How are we doing it?
The third area of our Vision Frame is strategy. It is like a flashlight that helps everyone clearly see next steps to getting involved. Our strategy consists of the following three proven pathways that help us to accomplish our mission: Worship, Serve, Grow.
WORSHIP: Scripture says that God’s power is on display through all creation (Romans 1:20). We want to take every opportunity to thank and praise God for who He is and what He’s done – especially sending His son to die for our sins (John 3:16).
SERVE: The church exists to act as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12). As His body, we are called to be His hands and feet. Here at TCLP, we will always serve every chance we get – inside and outside of our church.
GROW: Jesus invites us all into relationship with Him, but part of that relationship is growth and spiritual maturity. Growth means to get into God’s word and learn to submit to His will for our lives (Matthew 16:24-25). Whether it’s in Bible study or at the dinner table, we will always strive to grow together.